這是 S 在美國求學時跟當時寄養家庭所拍的合照... 右手邊的是 S 的寄養媽媽,而左邊的分別是寄養媽媽的兒子、媳婦跟孫女


高中畢業之後,S 媽不顧 S 的反對就把 S 給扔到美國去  
所以那個時候 S 是看誰都不爽,好像每個人都欠 S 幾百萬的樣子...
但是 S 的不爽就在看到 Euni 那一刻,被她陽光般的笑容以及溫暖的擁抱給驅散了...

S 是第一次當寄養學生,而 Euni 是第一次當寄養媽媽...
所以 S 跟 Euni 共同分享了很多個的第一次...
曾經 S 也做過讓 Euni 非常不高興的事情...
但是,Euni 卻不曾咆嘯或是怒罵...
這卻讓 S 更加的愧疚與不安...
S 也非常的感謝 Euni 的照顧,讓 S 有機會可以體驗到美國在地的生活...
但是自從 S 返台工作之後,也因為時間上的差異以及自己的惰性而漸漸的疏於連絡...
Euni 已於八月初離開她所愛的家人以及朋友們...

這是告別式邀請函的內容... ===============================================================

It is with a sad heart that we said "GoodBye" to our beloved mother, Saturday August 2,. Her last conscious effort was an attempt to speak to us. I am sure her words were telling us how much she loved us. Norman and Jane, and I were at her bedside when she quietly slipped away. A number of friends were closes at hand, visiting or staying at the house throughout the vigil.
The past few months porved very challenging for her as her health declined following a number of small strokes. Her resiliency was no less than amazing often recovering to engage in lucid conversations, telling stories and asking about friends, family and her adopted daughters (international students). Thursday she planned that we should go out for dinner. She said, "we need a party!" Maybe it was the expectation or a premonition. She suffered a severe stroke that evening.
Mother was not big on the idea of a funeral or memorial service. However, she would not miss a party if invited. We've sent the invitation,. So, we will "Celebrate Her Life" with music, food, pictures, stories and memorabilia on Sunday September 21st. It is our way of saying "Farewell and Bon Voyage." And more importantly, "Thanks for the Memories."
You are cordially invited to attend, bring family, bring friends. No one was a stranger in mother's house. there is a Note of Remembrance included with this invitation. Let us know one or more of your "memories" of Eunnie. We will read them, laugh and cheer, and shed not a tear-except of joy. It is a last "Hurrah" to a loving, grand  and gracious woman, a generous friend and confidant, a caring mother and grand mother, a person who made friends by just saying "Hello" and never saying "GoodBye"
We look forwards to seeing you, September 21st.
PS Mother will be placed to rest with Dad in Rochester, Indiana. Arragements pending.  =========================================================================== 雖然很希望能去參加告別式,但是現實生活上還是不能隨心所欲... 所以只能讓狗腿嫻當作代表,把 S 對於 Euni 的感謝以及想念帶到告別式上去... 謝謝她的堅強跟樂觀,讓 S 有了不同的生活態度... 謝謝她的耐心教導,讓 S 的語文能夠突飛猛進許許多多的感謝,希望 Euni 能懂...

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